I came to earth as a boy and later became a teacher, husband, father and now a caricature of 21st Century teacher.Like the larva, it is interestingly crazy to transform.
Transformation is good.
Transformation is a change for a better.
I remained monkey in all aspects.
Some one really saw my potential to represent the monkey linage.
I exactly look like monkey.There is not doubt about it.I came from their hard work.
Do I look like a 21st Century teacher? A big question to crack.Look at me.
Lost, wrinkled, long haired, big nostrils, nice lips,funny headed.
My wife finds me funny. Monkey faced with monkey acts embedded!
.Time has made me smarter but the fingers are still the xerox copy of rooster's.
Not a very match for my wife(In strangers' eyes). I make a good curry and I was utensils and clothes when she is not free.
One truth. I look exactly like my daughter and son. I gave my eyes, hair, hands, legs, teeth, fingers, lips. I did not give my face. You have guessed it right.
My daughter
Now look at my characteristics and tell me if I resemble 21st century teacher.
I am a little altered version of the image above. The only difference is I donot have all the displayed buzz things! I carry my daughter and old lesson plan to my school.
Still, I am a doodled teacher by blogs, glogs, logs, fogs: tabs and tablets and Apple, and Android and Bada and pear and peach and tomatoes and now classroom 2.0, teacher 2.0, Education 2.0, Library 2.0........2.0 is equall to 21st Century in short with a methematical number misrepresentation(21=2.0 in modern computing!).
"Do I look like 21st Century teacher?" is a big monkey faced question.Work of a 21st century teacher is no less than a monkey scared by bees.
I think this 21st Century buzz things look good on me, if I start climbing on GOOGLE trees and watch the worl with GOOGLE GOGGLES. It may save my fellow teachers from extinction.
But extinction would be better because monkeys are still available so I look exactly like them. I should live longer to pass my "jeans"(not good at Science terms, not sure of concept as-well) to my followers.
Whatever my history, geography, do not scare me. I am a teacher 2.0 today(atleast when Iam using blogger and net).
See you people, again.
Bye for now. I have got a monkey business to complete (Football match).
Images sources*
1. http://www.google.co.th/imgres?imgurl=http://www.teachersmarts.com/images/21teacher4.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.teachersmarts.com/Commack.htm&h=300&w=390&sz=82&tbnid=aKyNg0SNkKEwAM:&tbnh=87&tbnw=113&zoom=1&usg=__NLL4kEAGmkfZNled9MdunX3Dg4g=&docid=lh0EKpN-wEfADM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=UTFMUPXgPMb4rQfJz4CIBw&ved=0CB8Q9QEwAA&dur=798
Transformation is good.
Transformation is a change for a better.
I remained monkey in all aspects.
Some one really saw my potential to represent the monkey linage.
I exactly look like monkey.There is not doubt about it.I came from their hard work.
Do I look like a 21st Century teacher? A big question to crack.Look at me.
Lost, wrinkled, long haired, big nostrils, nice lips,funny headed.
My wife finds me funny. Monkey faced with monkey acts embedded!
.Time has made me smarter but the fingers are still the xerox copy of rooster's.
Not a very match for my wife(In strangers' eyes). I make a good curry and I was utensils and clothes when she is not free.
One truth. I look exactly like my daughter and son. I gave my eyes, hair, hands, legs, teeth, fingers, lips. I did not give my face. You have guessed it right.
My daughter
The eyes, hands and blood -all mine
This style is mine
Hair is mine
Ears are mine. She is beautiful.
And my son has even more sameness to me. He is a boy. He has everything I have except my face.*1 |
Still, I am a doodled teacher by blogs, glogs, logs, fogs: tabs and tablets and Apple, and Android and Bada and pear and peach and tomatoes and now classroom 2.0, teacher 2.0, Education 2.0, Library 2.0........2.0 is equall to 21st Century in short with a methematical number misrepresentation(21=2.0 in modern computing!).
"Do I look like 21st Century teacher?" is a big monkey faced question.Work of a 21st century teacher is no less than a monkey scared by bees.
I think this 21st Century buzz things look good on me, if I start climbing on GOOGLE trees and watch the worl with GOOGLE GOGGLES. It may save my fellow teachers from extinction.
But extinction would be better because monkeys are still available so I look exactly like them. I should live longer to pass my "jeans"(not good at Science terms, not sure of concept as-well) to my followers.
*2 |
See you people, again.
Bye for now. I have got a monkey business to complete (Football match).
Images sources*
1. http://www.google.co.th/imgres?imgurl=http://www.teachersmarts.com/images/21teacher4.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.teachersmarts.com/Commack.htm&h=300&w=390&sz=82&tbnid=aKyNg0SNkKEwAM:&tbnh=87&tbnw=113&zoom=1&usg=__NLL4kEAGmkfZNled9MdunX3Dg4g=&docid=lh0EKpN-wEfADM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=UTFMUPXgPMb4rQfJz4CIBw&ved=0CB8Q9QEwAA&dur=798
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