Aug 28, 2012

Innovations and Politicians

Title: Study of Innovation and Politicians 
Go to, as I did on Wednesday,August,2012,  you will see this: “Innovation is the creation of better or more effective products, processes, services, technologies, or ideas that are readily available to markets, governments, and society. Innovation differs from invention in that innovation refers to the use of a better and, as a result, novel idea or method, whereas invention refers more directly to the creation of the idea or method itself. Innovation differs from improvement in that innovation refers to the notion of doing something different (Lat. innovare: "to change") rather than doing the same thing better.” There are more than 40 words, and by un-innovative rule of quotation, it should be in new paragraph, precisely indented from both side, followed by page number, preceded by an arc precisely similar to capital “C” and again closed by another “C” but this time mirror image. Forget it. By definition of innovation, my style is perhaps precise. The stand is not “what is innovation?” The stand is “who is not innovative?”

 Let me begin by telling you who were innovative. To get to the future, knowing about the past is necessary. The great historian might have said. I am not sure. Do not take it seriously.Innovation differs from invention. This wiki cannot be wrong to me atleast. 
So, mathematically,
 if x is y 
 y is not innovation but scientist,
 then x is not invention and scientist 
By subtracting y from x 
I get innovation is to change- notion of doing the different things differently. 
Do not worry about the calculation, I am confused as much as you may have been.
The fault is not mine. The invention of calculation remained invention. 

Formula or calculation of innovation is not the question.

Purpose of the writing: To compare innovative lives of peoples and non people in history and present by using family of Bal Bahadur Powrel as a research tool.

 Hypothesis: In order to find the result the researcher had three hypotheses.
 1. Invention is for politicians 
2. Innovation is for scientists 
3. As invention is for scientist, so is innovation for politicians
4. Bal Bahadur and politicians are same 

Objectives of the research was to find out if current politicians are a real innovative

Population and sampling: Population comprised of people who rulled Bal Bahadur’s Life. Sample is from Bal Bahadur’s family.

Literatrure Review 
Extensive literature review of the past pointed out that, our ancestors in the pre-history were innovative because they left the cave and came out to farm. Archimedes was innovative because he came out of the bath tub naked into the public.Darwin was innovative because he trimmed hair and grew beards. Marco polo, Columbus, Elexender, were innovative because they left home for some adventure around the world. Buddha was innovative because he left the princely life. Fruit was innovative becauseit left the tree and dug hole in the soil. President Obama was innovative because he left his old office and occupied white house. Foot ball stars left the bumpy fields and came out on the leveled fields. Nelson, Aung sung, Mahatma Gandhi became innovative when they left their prison cells. My wife was innovative because she left home and married me. I became innovative, when I married my wife, left my space and produced two kids who are completely different from my wife and me. 
Conclusion: Changing the place of current position is innovation. 

1. All literature accounted for innovation when anything or anyone took up the new place. 
2. Literature of the world agrees that current leaders do not want to leave their posts, even threatened to death. 
3. Innovation as mentioned in the definition is not significantly different to invention. 
4. Innovation is significantly different from politicians.

Results from the study were consistent with other (6 billion people minus current political leaders) findings that politicians in the present posts did not want to leave their place for innovation. Recommendations: Recommendations from the findings 1. It was recommended from the writing that, my wife who is a political leader at home should leave kitchen and give me the chance to cook. 2. My wife should stop spoon feeding me and start breast feeding instead. 3. My two kids who are not more than 6 years old should go out of the parent’s life and see the changes brought about by their parent to the environment, green house, carbon foot print, and error blueprint. Recommendations for future research
 1. The future research should consider the limitations of this research and carry out further studies to find out whether the current politicians are inventors by incorporating more dynamic research tools such as lie checklist, no innovation survey, and so on….
 2. The future researcher should study their own family and may not replicate the tools and topic. 

It was concluded that, the current researcher started realizing that the recommendations failed because researcher did not want to cook and loved his family very much. Politicians are not the problem but I am the problem. I ask what they cannot give. 

Bal, (2012). Family house. Dechencholing. Thimphu.
 Keyboard, (2012).Bals laptop. Thailand. 
Empty sky, 2012. Near Rangsit University, SBS hostel.
 Empty room, 2012. SBS hostel, room no.406 
Samsung mobile.2012. pictures of Bal Bahadur’s family.

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